1958 - 1959
#21 - "The Big Hat"
During the celebration of Big Hat Anderson's wedding to Lily who used work in the Blue Bonnett, Anderson gives his big hat to newspaper editor Harry Tate. When Tate walks out the saloon door wearing the hat, he's shot dead by someone shooting a rifle from a building across the way. Dan figures out that the person was trying to kill Big Hat. He finds out that Frank Slater was in love with Lily and from there traps the killer. This episode was a sad day for Laramie because it marked the replacement of the interesting Jon Lormer as Dan's friend, Free Press editor Harry Tate with the decidedly uninteresting Barbara Lang playing Harry's niece Julie. This also marked the end of the sweet but bland character of Dru Lemp. Presumably, Julie was brought in as a new love interest for Dan Troop but she didn't last long enough for the script to move far in that direction.
Original air date Feb 22, 1959
Directed by Stuart Heisler
Written by William F. Leicester

Regular Cast
John Russell as Dan Troop
Peter Brown as Johnny McKay

Guest Cast
arbara Lang as Julie Tate
ay Novello as Frank Slater
ita Lynn as Lily Keats
on Lormer as Harry Tate
ichard Reeves as Marty Brattle
obert B. Williams as Big Hat Anderson
ames Parnell as Miner
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